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☤OLWP Causal Docent
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Post by MavrikManna »

Inside you will find how how you can raise your kundalini on your own using the pineal lunar cycle!

You must register to use this site. Click on the 🌟 Home 🌟 button to go back to the registration page. We look forward to seeing you inside.

Here are two freebies for you just for coming.
~Pineal Lunar Cycles / Sacred Secretion Ingression dates and times.
~Tracking the Chrism Seed through the chakras. Works best with a pendulum.
 Many more charts inside...

1. Chrism Chart.pdf   --> really needed!

2. OLWP Assessment for protocol readiness.pdf  --> needed.

3. Sacred Secretion Chrism Flow -> Main tracking chart for full cycle.

4. Sacred Secretion Milk & Honey --> Main tracking chart specific to Milk & Honey flow stage of the cycle.

5. Kundalini Rising Tracking  --> main chart for tracking kundalini rising after 1st program is complete.

6. Kundalini Rising Shushuman --> helpful.

7. Kundalini Rising Granthi   --> Assessment chart before starting anything. 
 And still more...
Tracking the Chrism Seed through the chakras
Tracking the Chrism Seed through the chakras
2025 to 2026 PLC Zodiac.pdf
(86.44 KiB) Downloaded 40 times

🧡, ☀️, and 🌱(life)

🛠️Founder & Causal Docent

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