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Here are two freebies for you just for coming.
~Pineal Lunar Cycles / Sacred Secretion Ingression dates and times.
~Tracking the Chrism Seed through the chakras. Works best with a pendulum.
Many more charts inside...
1. Chrism Chart.pdf --> really needed!
2. OLWP Assessment for protocol readiness.pdf --> needed.
3. Sacred Secretion Chrism Flow -> Main tracking chart for full cycle.
4. Sacred Secretion Milk & Honey --> Main tracking chart specific to Milk & Honey flow stage of the cycle.
5. Kundalini Rising Tracking --> main chart for tracking kundalini rising after 1st program is complete.
6. Kundalini Rising Shushuman --> helpful.
7. Kundalini Rising Granthi --> Assessment chart before starting anything.
And still more...